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Troubleshooting Guide: Error Code F18002
Relevant Product: All Pack Mule NXG Series vehicles
EV's Produced After: May 2017
Other Indicators: Reduced power to motor. Vehicle not performing at full capacity.
Corrective Actions
Potential/Excessive Overuse: Confirm the vehicle has not been transporting material outside of its weight capacity. Carrying or towing excess loads can cause the motor to overheat and not operate at optimum function.
Parking Brake: Confirm the parking brake is not in use while operating the vehicle.
Investigate Brakes: Thoroughly check the brakes if recently adjusted. The lines could potentially be too tight causing a parasitic drag when operating the vehicle.
Type of environment during use: Functionality of your vehicle can vary depending on what kind of environment you are trying to operate in. For example; using your vehicle to push excessively heavy loads in loose gravel will cause the motor to overheat and make Code F18002 appear. Another example is if you are using your vehicle to transport on steep inclines and causing your motor to overheat. Pack Mule vehicles perform best on flat concrete terrain. In this case, you will need to turn your vehicle off and allow the motor to cool down to normal operating temperature before restarting the vehicle.
Check Tire PSI: Operating the Pack Mule with low tire pressure can cause Code F18002 to appear. Pack Mule vehicles are made to operate at 90PSI tire pressure. Anything lower than 90PSI can cause your vehicle to work harder than it would with the correct tire pressure.
Wheel Bearings: Tight or failed front wheel bearings can cause the vehicle to overheat. This can potentially make Code F18002 appear. In this instance, you will need to have the bearings corrected before using your vehicle.
Battery Charge: Operating your vehicle with excessively discharged batteries can cause your motor to overheat. If this is the case, charge your vehicle's battery and allow the motor to cool down to normal operating temperature before restarting the vehicle.
Check Operator's Manual: Reference to this code can also be found on page 19 of the Owners Manual.

PLEASE NOTE: Suggested cooling times will vary due to your environment and ambient temperatures. Once your vehicle's motor has reached a safe and usable temperature, Code F18002 should disappear.